
호주와 뉴질랜드: 도시 - Geografispel

  • 멜버른
  • 브리즈번
  • 시드니
  • 애들레이드
  • 오클랜드
  • 웰링턴
  • 캔버라
  • 크라이스트 처치
  • 퍼스
  • 포트모르즈비
  • 호바트
Funktionen kräver Pro Unlimited eller Elite

Even though Australia and New Zealand are often assumed to be essentially the same, they are over two thousand kilometers apart from each other. However, they do share English language, and the flags are quite similar. This map quiz game will teach where their cities are located. If you don’t pass this geography quiz on the first try, one more round ought to do the trick.

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