
Somalia: Regioni - Harita Test Oyunları

  • Adal
  • Bai
  • Bakool
  • Bari
  • Basso Giuba
  • Basso Scebeli
  • Benadir
  • Galgudud
  • Ghedo
  • Hiran
  • Medio Giuba
  • Medio Scebeli
  • Mudugh
  • Nogal
  • Nordovest
  • Sanag
  • Sool
  • Tug Dair
Bu özelliğe erişim elde etmek için hesabını yükselt

Somalia is made up of 6 states divided into 18 administrative regions. This quiz game will help you identify all 18 regions. If you know the states of Somalia, the state-region relationship may help. For example, the state of Jubaland contains the regions Jubbada Dhexe and Jubbada Hoose. The region of Galguduud is in Galmudug state in central Somalia. To learn other regions, pick up a memorable fact or two about each one, like the Hiran region being one of Somalia's breadbaskets, or that Woqooyi Galbeed is especially important to Somalia because of its ports. This map quiz will help you become an expert on the regions of Somalia!

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