
Zeměpisné šířky a délky - Map Quiz Game

  • 15°S 60°W
  • 30°N 60°W
  • 30°S 150°E
  • 45°N 120°W
  • 60°N 60°E
  • Jižní polární kruh
  • Jižní pól
  • Obratník Kozoroha
  • Obratník Raka
  • Rovník
  • Severní polární kruh
  • Severní pól
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Did you know that the Earth rotates 360 degrees every 24 hours? That’s one degree of longitude every four minutes. If you know the time at a reference point, such as the Prime Meridian, and the time where you are now, you can use that information to calculation how far apart you are from the reference point in terms of longitude… that is, if you know where the Prime Meridian is located

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