
Passport Club: February - Leve - Map Quiz Game

  • أندورا
  • البوسنة والهرسك
  • الدنمارك
  • الهند
  • بوتسوانا
  • تشيلي
  • روسيا البيضاء
  • رومانيا
  • ساحل العاج
  • سلطنة عمان
  • غينيا - بيساو
  • كمبوديا
  • كوبا
  • كولومبيا
  • ليبيا

The ultimate geography test! From Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, the United Nations has 193 members. When the organization started in 1945, there were only 51 members. Membership went up during the 1970s when many newly independent countries joined, and most of them are in Africa. Some of the bigger countries like China and Russia are easy to find, but can you find Tajikistan or Rwanda?

High scores

The game is available in the following 36 languages

Map Games