
África: Mapa Físico - Erdkunde-Quiz

  • Cabo da Boa Esperança
  • Canal de Moçambique
  • Canal de Suez
  • Chifre da África
  • Congo
  • Deserto de Namíbia
  • Deserto do Kalahari
  • Deserto do Saara
  • Estreito de Gibraltar
  • Kilimanjaro
  • Lago Maláui
  • Lago Tanganica
  • Lago Victoria
  • Madagascar
  • Mar Mediterrâneo
  • Mar Vermelho
  • Montanhas Atlas
  • Monte Quênia
  • Nilo
  • Níger
  • Oceano Atlântico
  • Oceano Índico
  • Zambezi
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The continent of Africa is known for its iconic landscapes, including rain forests, deserts, mountains, rivers, and savannas. The Nile River, for example, is considered to be the longest river in the world, and Mount Kilimanjaro is the tallest mountain in Africa at over 4,900 meters. Part of the reason the African continent has so many interesting physical features is because of its large size. The continent spans over 8,000 kilometers from north to south, and is 7,400 across at its widest point.

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Das Spiel ist in den folgenden 23 Sprachen verfügbar