
カナダ:都市 - Harita Test Oyunları

  • ウィニペグ
  • エドモントン
  • オタワ
  • カルガリー
  • ケベック
  • トロント
  • ハリファックス
  • バンクーバー
  • モントリオール
Bu özelliğe erişim elde etmek için hesabını yükselt

In this geography game, you can take your class on the more than six thousand kilometer journey from Halifax to Vancouver. Increase student engagement by making into an in-class contest to see which team can correctly identify the most. Supplement the lesson by adding geography facts about these Canadian cities, some of which offer the highest standards of living in the world.

Yüksek skorunuz (Harita çivisi)

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Oyun aşağıdaki 31 dillerde mevcuttur