
Болгарія: Області - Quiz de géographie

  • Благоєвград
  • Бургас
  • Варна
  • Велико-Тирново
  • Видин
  • Враца
  • Габрово
  • Добрич
  • Кирджалі
  • Кюстенділ
  • Ловеч
  • Монтана
  • Пазарджик
  • Перник
  • Плевен
  • Пловдив
  • Разград
  • Русе
  • Силістра
  • Слівен
  • Смолян
  • Софія
  • Софія-град
  • Стара Загора
  • Тирговиште
  • Хаськово
  • Шумен
  • Ямбол
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Bulgaria, one of the newest members of the European Union, has 28 provinces. The provinces stretch over a relatively large area and have borders with countries as distinct as Romania, Serbia, North Macedonia, Greece, and Türkiye. The largest region is Sofia, with a population of over one million, and located in the East. The west coast cities of Varna and Burgas, located on the Black Sea, are fast becoming popular vacation spots because of the sunny beaches and affordable prices.

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