
Karibai: šalys - Geografispel

  • Antigva ir Barbuda
  • Bahamos
  • Barbadosas
  • Dominika
  • Dominikos Respublika
  • Grenada
  • Haitis
  • Jamaika
  • Kuba
  • Sent Kitsas ir Nevis
  • Sent Lusija
  • Sent Vinsentas ir Grenadinai
  • Trinidadas ir Tobagas
Funktionen kräver Pro Unlimited eller Elite

Did you know that Bimini, a district of the Bahamas, is only 50 miles off the coast of Florida? How about that Saint Lucia is located northwest of Barbados? Learning the independent countries of the Caribbean can be challenging, but picking up a few hints like those can make it easier, and this quiz game can help. Some of these countries' names are a mouthful—Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Trinidad and Tobago, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines—that last one sounds like a band my Dad would listen to. Long names or not, with the help of this quiz game, you'll be able to pick out every one of the independent countries of the Caribbean in no time.

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