
Steaguri cu Union Jack - Flaggspel

Spela Seterra utan reklam!
  • Anguilla
  • Australia
  • Bermuda
  • Fiji
  • Insula Niue
  • Insulele Cayman
  • Insulele Cook
  • Insulele Falkland
  • Insulele Pitcairn
  • Insulele Turks și Caicos
  • Insulele Virgine Britanice
  • Montserrat
  • Noua Zeelandă
  • Regatul Unit
  • Teritoriul Britanic din Oceanul Indian
  • Tuvalu
  • Zona Antarctică Britanică
Funktionen kräver Pro Unlimited eller Elite

Here's a flag quiz that challenges you to identify flags that feature the Union Jack, AKA the flag of the United Kingdom, which has been around since 1801. It overlays the crosses of three patron saints—George (England), Andrew (Scotland), and Patrick (Ireland). The flag has been incorporated into many other flag designs, which reflects the once-expansive territorial holdings of the UK around the globe. By working with this quiz, you can memorize the flags that feature the Union Jack with ease!

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