
Шість Колисок Цивілізації - Jogo de Mapa

  • Єгипет
  • Анди
  • Долина Інду
  • Долина Хуанхе
  • Мезоамерика
  • Месопотамія
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There’s no better way to understand how early humans interacted with their environment than to study the six cradles of civilization. Mesopotamia is where it all started--it’s where humans invented farming, math, and the wheel! Around 7000 BC, Mesoamerica saw great human advancement, with indigenous people transitioning from a tribal society of hunter-gatherers to more organized, sedentary villages. This geography study aid will help familiarize you with the locations of all the six cradles of civilization, and hopefully pique your interest in learning more about our very early history.

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Jogos de mapas