
Jordanien: Gouvernements - Jogo de Mapa

  • Adschlun
  • Amman
  • Aqaba
  • Dscharasch
  • Irbid
  • Ma'an
  • Madaba
  • Zarqa
  • al-Balqa
  • al-Karak
  • al-Mafraq
  • at-Tafila
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Here's a quiz that challenges you to identify the governorates of Jordan. The country is divided into three regions, North, Central, and South, and those regions are further divided into 12 governorates. They're clustered in the east, with Jordan's entire western border consisting of just the Ma'an, Mafraq, Zarqa, and Amman governorates. If you learn a few details about the parts of Jordan, you'll be able to identify all 12 governorates in no time!

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O jogo está disponível nos seguintes 3 idiomas