
Mundo: Grandes cordilleras - Aardrijkskunde Spelletjes

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  • Alpes
  • Apalaches
  • Atlas
  • Cordillera de los Andes
  • Drakensberg
  • Gran Cordillera Divisoria
  • Himalaya
  • Kunlun
  • Montañas Rocosas
  • Montañas del Cáucaso
  • Montes Cárpatos
  • Montes Tauro
  • Montes Urales
  • Tian Shan
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Mountains ranges form when two or more plates in the Earth’s crust collide into one another. With nowhere to go, the colliding land masses are forced upwards, creating the mountain peaks that we can see on the landscape. That process is still ongoing. The Himalayan Mountains, for example, are estimated to grow at a rate of six centimeters per year. That means that the record for climbing the highest mountain in the world will continue to be broken as time passes!

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