
América del Norte: Mapa físico - Map Quiz Game

  • Apalaches
  • Bahía Hudson
  • Cordillera de Alaska
  • Denali (Monte McKinley)
  • Desierto de la Gran Cuenca
  • Estrecho de Bering
  • Golfo de México
  • Gran Lago Salado
  • Gran Lago del Esclavo
  • Gran Lago del Oso
  • Lago Athabasca
  • Lago Erie
  • Lago Hurón
  • Lago Míchigan
  • Lago Ontario
  • Lago Superior
  • Lago Winnipeg
  • Montañas Rocosas
  • Océano Atlántico
  • Océano Pacífico
  • Península de Alaska
  • Río Colorado
  • Río Grande
  • Río Mackenzie
  • Río Misisipi
  • Río Misuri
  • Río Ohio
  • Río San Lorenzo
  • Río Tennessee
  • Río Yukón

Two of the largest countries in the world by area are located on the North American continent. In all that space the climates range from subtropical in Florida and nearby areas to polar in Alaska and much of Canada. That also includes the world’s only temperate rainforest in the Pacific Northwest region, where trees like the Giant Sequoia grow to be 379 feet tall.

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