
САЩ: щатски столици в Юга - Map Quiz Game

  • Анаполис
  • Атланта
  • Батън Руж
  • Джаксън
  • Доувър
  • Колумбия
  • Литъл Рок
  • Монтгомъри
  • Нашвил
  • Оклахома Сити
  • Остин
  • Ричмънд
  • Роли
  • Талахаси
  • Франкфорт
  • Чарлстън

The Southeastern region of the United States is home to some of the most dynamic and rapidly growing cities in the country, including capital cities like Nashville and Raleigh. If you think that the capital of Kentucky is Louisville or that the capital of Alabama is Birmingham, then you should study and pass this quiz to learn about the rest of the capital cities in this important region.

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