
JAV: miestai - Map Quiz Game

  • Albukerkė
  • Atlanta
  • Bafalas
  • Baltimorė
  • Birmingemas
  • Boisė
  • Bostonas
  • Cincinatis
  • Dalasas
  • Denveris
  • Detroitas
  • Džeksonvilis
  • El Pasas
  • Feniksas
  • Filadelfija
  • Hiustonas
  • Honolulu
  • Indianapolis
  • Juneau
  • Kanzasas
  • Klyvlendas
  • Las Vegas
  • Los Andželas
  • Majamis
  • Memfis
  • Milvokis
  • Mineapolis
  • Mobilas
  • Naujasis Orleanas
  • Našvilis
  • Niujorkas
  • Oklahoma Sitis
  • Omaha
  • Ostinas
  • Pitsburgas
  • Portlandas
  • Ričmondas
  • San Antonijus
  • San Chosė
  • San Diegas
  • San Franciskas
  • Sent Luisas
  • Sent Polas
  • Sietlas
  • Solt Leik Sitis
  • Tampa
  • Toledas
  • Tuksonas
  • Tulsa
  • Vašingtonas
  • Vičita
  • Čikaga
  • Šarlotė

Here is a good piece of geography trivia for you: What percentage of the population in the United States lives in cities? Most people would not believe it, but recently that figure surpassed 80 percent! Use this map quiz game to test your knowledge some of the biggest cities in the country.

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