
Šiaurės ir Centrinė Amerika: miestai - Map Quiz Game

  • Belmopanas
  • Gvatemala
  • Havana
  • Kingstonas
  • Managva
  • Meksikas
  • Otava
  • Panama
  • Port o Prensas
  • San Chosė
  • San Salvadoras
  • Santo Domingas
  • Tegusigalpa
  • Vašingtonas

Sitting at over 7,300 feet, Mexico City is the highest elevation capital in North and Central America. This online geography game is a great way to for you to learn its location along with the other capitals in the region. Make it an into a classroom game to see who can get the most correct in the shortest amount of time. This is a great activity for increasing student engagement.

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