
Royaume-Uni : les régions - Quiz Geografico

  • Angleterre de l'Est
  • Angleterre du Nord-Est
  • Angleterre du Nord-Ouest
  • Angleterre du Sud-Est
  • Angleterre du Sud-Ouest
  • Grand Londres
  • Irlande du Nord
  • Midlands de l'Est
  • Midlands de l'Ouest
  • Pays de Galles
  • Yorkshire-et-Humber
  • Écosse
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Here's a quiz that challenges you to identify the 12 regions of the United Kingdom. In the four UK countries (England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland), the regions historically have little function in government, but when the UK was a member of the European Union, the defined regions impacted elections to the European Parliament. Today, the regions are used for statistical and administrative purposes. With the help of cardinal directions and basic knowledge of UK geography, you can use this quiz game to memorize the UK regions with ease!

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