
Гондурас: Департаменти - Quiz Geografico

  • Інтібука
  • Іслас-де-ла-Байя
  • Атлантида
  • Вальє
  • Грасіас-а-Діос
  • Ель-Параїсо
  • Йоро
  • Колон
  • Комаягуа
  • Копан
  • Кортес
  • Ла-Пас
  • Лемпіра
  • Окотепеке
  • Оланчо
  • Санта-Барбара
  • Франсіско-Морасан
  • Чолутека
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Honduras became an independent nation in 1821, and by 1957, the country’s 18 departments had been established. This map quiz game helps you explore and memorize the departments of Honduras. The Bay Islands are located on the second largest coral reef in the world. In the department of Copán, Mayan ruins contain some of the world’s best-preserved hieroglyphs. Details like that can really help you remember the Honduras department names. From Ocotepeque to Gracias a Dios, you can count on this engaging geography study aid to make learning the Honduras departments easy!

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