
Німеччина: Міста - Quiz Geografico

  • Берлін
  • Бонн
  • Гамбурґ
  • Дортмунд
  • Дрезден
  • Кельн
  • Кіль
  • Лейпциг
  • Мюнхен
  • Нюрнберг
  • Франкфурт
  • Штутгарт
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Three of the largest cities in Europe are located in Germany. Can you find them on a map? This geography study aid is sure to help you get there if you can’t. After playing this map quiz game, you will no longer Köln and Bonn like a Geography Club rookie!

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Il gioco è disponibile nelle seguenti 31 lingue

Giochi con mappe