
САЩ: щатски знамена на запад от Мисисипи - Flag Quiz Game

  • Айдахо
  • Айова
  • Аляска
  • Аризона
  • Арканзас
  • Вашингтон
  • Калифорния
  • Канзас
  • Колорадо
  • Луизиана
  • Минесота
  • Мисури
  • Монтана
  • Небраска
  • Невада
  • Ню Мексико
  • Оклахома
  • Орегон
  • Северна Дакота
  • Тексас
  • Уайоминг
  • Хавай
  • Южна Дакота
  • Юта
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It was nice of Colorado to put a giant “C” on their flag, and the state of Washington went with an image of the nation’s first president, George Washington. But when you’re memorizing the flags of the states located west of the Mississippi River, they won’t all be quite that easy. This flag quiz game can help! One flag has a grizzly bear on it—must be California. A pelican…that’s Louisiana. Use this study aid to memorize notable flag features and you’ll be able to identify these 24 flags in no time!

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