
Mundo: Países Membros da OECD - Quiz de géographie

  • Alemanha
  • Austrália
  • Bélgica
  • Canadá
  • Chile
  • Colômbia
  • Coréia do Sul
  • Costa Rica
  • Dinamarca
  • Eslováquia
  • Eslovênia
  • Espanha
  • Estados Unidos
  • Estônia
  • Finlândia
  • França
  • Grécia
  • Hungria
  • Irlanda
  • Islândia
  • Israel
  • Itália
  • Japão
  • Letônia
  • Lituânia
  • Luxemburgo
  • México
  • Noruega
  • Nova Zelândia
  • Países Baixos (Holanda)
  • Polônia
  • Portugal
  • Reino Unido
  • República Checa
  • Suécia
  • Suíça
  • Turquia
  • Áustria
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Please note: Costa Rica joined the OECD in May 2021.The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is an intergovernmental economic organisation with 37 member countries.Since 1960, the member countries of the OECD have described themselves as being committed to democracy and economic development through world trade. When the organization started in 1960 there were 18 members, but since that time membership has more than doubled to 37. Although most of the members are in Europe and North America, there are a few countries in other parts of the world that have joined as well. See if you can get all 37!

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