
Iran: Province - Quiz de géographie

  • Alborz
  • Ardabil
  • Azerbaigian Occidentale
  • Azerbaigian Orientale
  • Bushehr
  • Chahar Mahal e Bakhtiari
  • Esfahan
  • Fars
  • Gilan
  • Golestan
  • Hamadan
  • Hormozgan
  • Ilam
  • Kerman
  • Kermanshah
  • Khorasan Meridionale
  • Khorasan Settentrionale
  • Khorasan-e Razavi
  • Khuzestan
  • Kohgiluyeh e Buyer Ahmad
  • Kurdistan
  • Lorestan
  • Markazi
  • Mazandaran
  • Qazvin
  • Qom
  • Semnan
  • Sistan e Baluchestan
  • Teheran
  • Yazd
  • Zanjan
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Iran is a large country that stretches from the Caspian Sea in the north to the Persian Gulf in the south. After Egypt, Iran is the largest country in the Middle East with a population of over 77 million. Tehran, which contains the capital city, is by far the largest and wealthiest of the country’s 31 provinces. Over 13 percent of Iran’s population live in that one province, and they produce one quarter of the country’s GDP.

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