
Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës: Qytetet Perëndimore - Quiz de géographie

  • Albukerki
  • Bojsi
  • Denveri
  • Feniksi
  • Fresno
  • Helena
  • Karson Siti
  • Kolorado Springs
  • Las Vegasi
  • Los Anxhelosi
  • Okland
  • Olimpia
  • Portlandi
  • Sakramento
  • Salemi
  • San Diego
  • San Francisko
  • San Hoze
  • Santa Fe
  • Shajëni
  • Sietëll
  • Solt Lejk Siti
  • Spokejni
  • Tusoni
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Once consider a wild frontier, the United States West is home to some of fastest growing cities in the country. The region is also home to the country’s entertainment and technology industries. Play this map quiz game to brush up on western cities before your next geography quiz!

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