
红色、绿色和黄色旗帜 - Quiz drapeau

  • 几内亚
  • 几内亚比绍
  • 刚果
  • 加纳
  • 喀麦隆
  • 圣多美和普林西比
  • 圭亚那
  • 塞内加尔
  • 布基纳法索
  • 格林纳达
  • 毛里塔尼亚
  • 法属圭亚那
  • 津巴布韦
  • 玻利维亚
  • 瓦努阿图
  • 立陶宛
  • 缅甸
  • 苏里南
  • 贝宁
  • 马里
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This quiz game challenges you to identify flags featuring red, green, and yellow. For a color combination with questionable aesthetic appeal, the trio of red, green, and yellow shows up in a lot of flags! In many cases, the use of this color palette is a nod to the flag of Ethiopia and is meant to represent an African ideology. If you explore the meaning behind this color combination and the icons used in these flags, you'll be able to identify them with ease!

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