
러시아: 도시 - Juego de Mapas

  • 노보시비르스크
  • 니지니 노브고로드
  • 로스토프나도누
  • 모스크바
  • 볼고그라드
  • 블라디보스토크
  • 사마라
  • 상트페테르부르크
  • 예카테린부르크
  • 옴스크
  • 이르쿠츠크
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Russian cities stretch over the largest country in the world in terms of geographic territory. The good news is that you can take the Trans-Siberian Railway to get from one end of the country to the other and see many of the cities on this quiz. The bad news is that the distance from the first stop to the last is about 6,000 miles, and you will be on the train for a few weeks. Road trip level: Epic.

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El juego está disponible en los 24 idiomas siguientes
