
구소련: 국가 - Juego de Mapas

  • 라트비아
  • 러시아
  • 리투아니아
  • 몰도바
  • 벨라루스
  • 아르메니아
  • 아제르바이잔
  • 에스토니아
  • 우즈베키스탄
  • 우크라이나
  • 조지아
  • 카자흐스탄
  • 키르기스스탄
  • 타지키스탄
  • 투르크메니스탄
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Before it broke up in 1991, the USSR was by far the largest country in the world. While Russia is still the biggest, the 14 other republics are relatively small by comparison. This teaching tool is a great way to learn more about former Soviet Union. Have students play this free map quiz game as an introduction to the unit. Once they are finished, they will be in a better position to learn all about the former USSR.

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El juego está disponible en los 39 idiomas siguientes