
미국: 주요 도시 - Erdkunde-Quiz

  • 뉴올리언스
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  • 댈러스
  • 덴버
  • 디트로이트
  • 로스앤젤레스
  • 마이애미
  • 미니애폴리스
  • 보스턴
  • 볼티모어
  • 산호세
  • 샌디에고
  • 샌안토니오
  • 샌프란시스코
  • 시애틀
  • 시카고
  • 애틀랜타
  • 워싱턴 D.C.
  • 인디애나 폴리스
  • 잭슨빌
  • 캔자스시티
  • 피닉스
  • 필라델피아
  • 휴스턴
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New York is the biggest city in the United States, but did not surpass one million until the 1880 census. Chicago surpassed the one million mark the following decade. By 2010, more than 50 American cities had over a million people. How many can you identify on this free map quiz game? Challenge yourself to get them all right on this interactive learning game.

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Das Spiel ist in den folgenden 37 Sprachen verfügbar
