
世界:类似的国旗 - Flag Quiz Game

Spiele Seterra ohne Werbung!
  • 乍得
  • 俄罗斯
  • 卢森堡
  • 印尼
  • 摩纳哥
  • 波兰
  • 爱尔兰
  • 科特迪瓦
  • 罗马尼亚
  • 荷兰
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Vexillology. It's the study of the history, symbolism, and usage of flags. Even the most learned flag scholars will find this quiz game challenging. It requires you to identify 10 flags that have unbelievably similar counterparts in other counties. To differentiate these flags, you'll need to go by the order of the stripes, and in some cases, even the shade of a particular color. Put on your vexillologist cap and get started…we're hoping you have fun working through this challenging flag quiz game!

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Das Spiel ist in den folgenden 22 Sprachen verfügbar
