
Mondo: Continenti e oceani (con disegni) - Quiz Geografico

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  • Africa
  • Antartide
  • Asia
  • Australia
  • Europa
  • Mar Glaciale Artico
  • Nord America
  • Oceano Atlantico
  • Oceano Indiano
  • Oceano Pacifico
  • Oceano antartico
  • Sud America
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Now there’s a fun way to learn the world’s continents and oceans! This map quiz game features colorful cartoons, each one associated with the continent or ocean you click on. When you see the images, they can help you remember the names of these giant global features. Identify the 7 continents and 5 oceans to reveal all 12 pictures. Simply work your way across this map, and as the bright cartoons appear, you’ll be able to memorize all the continents and oceans with ease!

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