
Kanada: provincijos ir teritorijos - Quiz de géographie

  • Alberta
  • Britų Kolumbija
  • Jukonas
  • Kvebekas
  • Manitoba
  • Naujasis Bransvikas
  • Naujoji Škotija
  • Niufaundlendas ir Labradoras
  • Nunavutas
  • Ontarijas
  • Princo Edvardo sala
  • Saskačevanas
  • Šiaurės Vakarų teritorijos
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Even though Nunavut is the largest of Canada’s provinces and territories, the real challenge is trying to identify it on the map. This Canadian geography trivia game will put your knowledge to the test and familiarize you with the world’s second largest countries by territory. Online maps also provide a great visual aid for teaching.

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