Oceania: Capitals - Quiz z mapą
- Apia
- Canberra
- Funafuti
- Honiara
- Majuro
- Ngerulmud
- Nuku'alofa
- Palikir
- Port Moresby
- Port Vila
- Suva
- Tarawa Południowa
- Wellington
- Yaren
Here's a map quiz that challenges you to identify 14 capital cities in Oceania. Apia, the capital of the Samoan Islands, is located on the coast of Upolu, the country's second-largest island. Majuro is in the Marshall Islands, a country with the largest portion of its territory being water—nearly 98%! Palikir, the capital of the Federated States of Micronesia, is located on the volcanic Pohnpei island, surrounded by a coral reef. By collecting facts about Oceania and working with this map quiz, you can memorize these capitals with ease!
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Gry na mapach (Poszczególne państwa)
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