
North America: Lakes - Map Quiz Game

  • Lake Nipigon
  • Lake Okeechobee
  • Lake of the Woods
  • ウィニペグ湖
  • エリー湖
  • オンタリオ湖
  • グレートスレーブ湖
  • グレートソルト湖
  • グレートベア湖
  • スペリオル湖
  • ヒューロン湖
  • ミシガン湖

The Great Lakes were created by the movement of glaciers (large sheets of ice) over land, around 10,000 years ago. Their names (Erie, Huron, Michigan, Superior, and Ontario) are taken from French and Indian words – these groups were prominent in early American history. The Great Salt Lake, in the state of Utah, is the largest saltwater lake in the western hemisphere and is not connected to any rivers. The Great Slave Lake, in Canada, is one of the ten largest in the world, and the deepest in North America.

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